Meditation Classes for Children
Saturdays Afternoons Once a Month from 2-3:15pm
Children of all ages and temperaments can learn how meditation can help them to be calm, happy and mentally strong. They will enjoy creating and exploring a magical inner world that nourishes them and helps them deal with difficult feelings, situations and relationships.
Meditation in particular is a simple, effective method that over time helps children to be more relaxed, happy and confident. These classes are offered by our resident teacher Gen Tubchen, who has many years of experience working with children.
From February to June we will have a series of 5 children’s classes. Usually the first Saturday of the month in the afternoon. Our children’s classes have been very popular so we are delighted to now be able to trial them on a regular basis.
Each class aims to develop and nurture positive qualities in children through child centred discussions, games, crafts and short bite-sized meditations – all based around a Buddhist theme.
For this series we will take the Six Perfections are our inspiration. Learning what it means to keep a good heart in daily life and how we can develop good qualities such as generosity, patience, discipline, effort, concentration and wisdom. Each week focusing on a different topic.
Children pick things up very quickly, so this series of classes can teach them important life skills and help them to be calm, happy kids with good hearts. If this sounds just the thing then you can book below to secure places for the children in your life!
A parent or guardian must accompany the children at all times and they are welcome to join in with the meditations and activities.
- Feb 1 – Giving & Love
- March 15 – Finding Patience & Calm
- April 5 – Discipline & Ethics for kids
- May 17 – Effort & Concentration
- May 31 – Opening our Wisdom Eyes
Gen Kelsang Tubchen is the Resident Teacher at KMC Aberdeen. An inspiring and gifted teacher who ordained as a Buddhist nun in 2003, she is loved for her warm heart, her caring attitude and her clear, powerful and practical teachings.