Midsummer Meditations and Picnic – 16 June

Sunday 16 June 10:00am – 3:00pm

Join us for a relaxing day of midsummer meditations & our summer social picnic.

We will start with a morning meditation class indoors at our meditation centre in Aberdeen and then head to the botanics for a picnic and further outdoor meditations, talks & gentle walks in the beautiful setting of the gardens (weather permitting).

Over the course of the day there will be a series of short meditation practices to gradually clear and clean your mind.  The format of the day will also encourage discussions with fellow participants and time for quiet contemplation and peace in nature disconnected from all of our usual distractions and busyness.

The botanic gardens are a little-known haven of peace and tranquillity in Old Aberdeen, with beautiful ponds, trees and an abundance of blossoming flowers.  It feels like stepping into a secret garden and is the perfect setting for our day of meditation.

By the end of the day we should be feeling relaxed, inspired and with renewed energy.
We will adjust the schedule according to the weather on the day.  If the weather is very bad we will hold the whole day at the centre in Aberdeen, with the picnic in our very own peaceful indoor green space.

Please bring vegetarian lunch to share, and weather appropriate clothing / hats etc.   

You might like to bring a small mat to sit on if you wish to sit on the grass.  There are also many benches at the botanics to sit on and this is an accessible event for everyone.

We will hopefully car-pool to the botanics but there are also direct buses that we will help co-ordinate on the day if needed.

More info:

  • 10:00am – 3:00pm
  • £19 | free for members
  • All income goes to running the centre which is a registered charity.
  • Cancellations up to 24hours prior to the course will receive a full refund minus a 10% admin fee.

Gen Kelsang Tubchen is the Resident Teacher at KMC Aberdeen. An inspiring and gifted teacher who ordained as a Buddhist nun in 2003, she is loved for her warm heart, her caring attitude and her clear, powerful and practical teachings.

"Just finished the last session of the retreat. It was wonderful & I managed to make it work around my busy, noisy house & family.  I felt very held through the meditations, even though it wasn't live, just incredible really. Thankyou 🙏🧡"

Retreat on Tranquil Abiding 14th June 2020

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